Chinese Water Deer
A Chinese Water Deer
Chinese Water Deer - Week of 12/6/2020
Chinese water deer used to be abundant, but it's estimated that there are only 10,000 or so remaining in the wild
A Chinese water deer is around 0.50 to 0.55m tall.
This deer is one of the only one of its species that doesn't have antlers.
Water deer fawns are capable of standing within just 1 hour after their birth.
Water deers have an amazing sense of smell and can hear very well. This way they can't detect predators from far away.
A deer's eyes are on the sides of its head which enables a 310 - degree view.
A water deer is able to swim for several kilometers.
Male water deer usually rub their foreheads to tree trunks to mark their territory as they are territorial.
The fawns weigh less than 1 kg ( 2 pounds) at birth.
The males use their tusks to fight off other males for mates and to protect themselves against predators.